Thanksgiving Message from Daniel

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Please take some time to pause and reflect on the blessings in your life and give thanks to God for all his many gifts to you and your family over this holiday weekend. We all have SO much for which to be thankful and grateful.

I am very grateful to all of you for all of your support for our church, the Kamogawa Church, and our business, Wedding Pro Japan, which takes many forms. Thank you!

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. Of course, stores and shopping malls have already started advertising for Christmas shopping and we are all busy riding into the end of the year festivities.

Nonetheless, I pray that we don’t skip over Advent. Christmas will be so much more meaningful if we pray and go to Church through Advent and get in touch with our understanding of Jesus and our need for His knowledge and teachings.

Let us take the time to grow in awareness of Christ’s presence in our lives and God’s care for us. This awareness of God’s care for us gives us a profound peace even through life’s trials, a peace that the world and no amount of Christmas presents can give.

Christ’s peace,

Daniel P. Arakelian

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